Language Arts (381)

Whether you're focusing on comprehension strategies, literary analysis, or honing writing techniques, we provide a diverse array of materials to support your teaching objectives. From engaging literature guides to interactive grammar activities, our resources are designed to spark curiosity, inspire creativity, and cultivate a deep appreciation for the power of language.

Worksheet for learning initial consonant words - words that begin with V, W, Y, Z such as violin, yarn, zebra, wagon, yo-yo, vest, zipper...
Worksheet for learning digraph words that start with T, H, and TH: thirteen horn tin has thick tail hand tick thorn him torn thing top hat thirty turkey hop thin
Blank bingo board (for playing Synonym bingo)
Words include nose, mole, job, hop, sock, hope, hose, clock, code...
Scatter domino cards face up on a flat surface.  Taking turns, student one places the START domino on the table and reads the word on the other end of the domino.  Select domino with the same underlined consonant sound and read the word to play.  
Worksheet for learning Beginning Blends - br, bl, pr, pl
Worksheet for learning Beginning Sounds - B, M, R, S
Learning sounds at home, outside, on the road, and supermarket.  
Student will produce words with variant correspondences.  Students make words by using various spelling patterns.  
Worksheet for learning Beginning Sounds - Y, Z, V
Build a word using CVC (consonant-vowel-consonant).  Any combination!   Bonus: Choose 3 of the words above and draw a picture for each word on the back of your paper.  
Words include them, went, fence, credit, engine, contest, speak...
Invite children to make math books to include in the math center.  Shape books, pattern books, and counting books.
Dolch words for practicing at home with your child.  Aim to have 100% of these words learned by the end second grade.
Use two words from the list to make one compound word for each sentence.  
Introduce sign language by singing this song to the tune of "Where is thumbkin."  Includes alphabet.  
Circle the words with "r" blends.  Write a sentence using a blend.  
Students map sounds to letters and marks syllables within words.  
Tips and tricks for helping kids learn words.  For example, you can put words a screen saver on a computer, write and tape them to the wall, and more! Looking for more reading and writing activities?
Worksheet for learning Beginning Blends - t, r, tr