Use these cute puppets to follow up a story about hibernating animals.
This checklist is organized by fine and gross motor skills.
This download will give you three different pictures with many hidden mistakes in them. Good luck!
This four-page book summarizes the ways animals survive during winter.
Cut around the edge of the pages and fold on the dotted lines!
A great way to keep track of a child's upper- and lower-case letter recognition.
These three worksheets give children the opportunity to analyze shapes by matching the shadows.
Includes 50 sample analogies: use for teaching plurals, past vs. present tense, vocabulary, opposites, and more!
Use these pictures to help children understand the life cycle of a butterfly.
This worksheet gives children space to draw themselves as an adult.
Download just one or all three of these files and challenge students to analyze and think critically!
Story sequencing is an important skill for students to practice. Helps improve comprehension.
Review color words and shapes while testing students' ability to follow directions.
Using these three worksheets, children can practice symmetry by drawing the other half of the picture.
Use this simple form to record a child's observed development.
This blank month calendar is a great way for students to keep track of how many minutes they read each day. They can set their own goal and then add up the minutes to see if they met their goal for the month. Student, Parent, and Teacher signatures required.
Use this form to analyze a child's abilities in the following areas: play, self-help, self-concept, social, language/communication, motor, dispositions, problem solving, math, and literacy.
These simple rhymes will help children learn how to write numbers 0-10.
Use this to assess children's phonological awareness skills. Areas include:
Ideas for before, during, and after reading The Mitten by Jan Brett.
Have fun reviewing the life cycle of a butterfly with this sequencing game!