Language Arts (381)

Whether you're focusing on comprehension strategies, literary analysis, or honing writing techniques, we provide a diverse array of materials to support your teaching objectives. From engaging literature guides to interactive grammar activities, our resources are designed to spark curiosity, inspire creativity, and cultivate a deep appreciation for the power of language.

Children practice tracing and drawing the upper- and lowercase letter Ii.
After some cutting, you will have your own Word Bingo game!
Worksheet for learning Short Vowels with Beginning Blends - a, e, i, o, u
Worksheet for learning Beginning Blends - st, sp, sk, sm
uck - ump - unk - ust hunk - duck - must gust - dunk - puck luck - dump - rust bump - junk - hump buck - suck - dust tuck - trunk - pump lump - jump - trust bunk - sunk - just
Slow down, sit down, stop, stop now, wait here, where are we going, where is your...? we need your, coat, hat, shoes, gloves
wag - tap - tab cap - sap - sag bag - cab - lab nap - rag - map nap - gap - lag tag - dab - jab
Review K and the /k/ sound!
Free printable worksheet for learning digraph words beginning with ch and sh: chop check shape chunk ship shop chick shut short chin she chip
dog - rig - dug wig - jog - log mug - fig - pig rag - hog - rug nag - tag - sag dig - big - tug wag - bog - bag fog - bug - hug
Don't hit - throw. Share please. Not Fair. Say sorry. I don't think so.  Maybe later. Sit still. Pay attention. Are you hurt? 
See if children can sort the upper- and lowercase letter.
Worksheet for learning Beginning Blends - gl, pl, sl, bl
Uppercase alphabet assessment - I can name these uppercase letters (with check boxes)
Free printable worksheet for learning ending blends: _m, _p, _mp
Change each letter into something that starts with that letter.
Sign language: I'm sorry, where are your mom and dad?
Words ending in -nk and -ng, such as thank, wing, long, bunk, think, bring, sang, hung, honk...
Words that focus on the letters B, M, R, S: bag - red - mop mat - sob - bed set - rib - rod mud - back - mash rat - mix - rest sun - big - sad men - sip - bus box - run - sand
Digraph worksheet containing words that end in ch, sh, th, and ss: beach fuss which moth sandwich miss wish bath push rush reach such dash with fish math sloth cash tooth pass kiss dress teach guess