Language Arts (381)

Whether you're focusing on comprehension strategies, literary analysis, or honing writing techniques, we provide a diverse array of materials to support your teaching objectives. From engaging literature guides to interactive grammar activities, our resources are designed to spark curiosity, inspire creativity, and cultivate a deep appreciation for the power of language.

Worksheet for learning Beginning Blends - p, r, pr
Private speech is the kind of talking aloud children and adults do when they talk to themselves.  An adult using private speech might ask himself or herself aloud "Where did I leave my keys?"  Private speech is an important part of language and learning development for preschoolers.  It helps them practice unfamiliar kinds of language and reinforces that they are trying to remember.  
Worksheet for learning Beginning Blends - s, n, sn
Draw and write the word: cheese, shoe, three, whale
Part A: Complete the following analogies using your spelling wordsPart B: Use the pelling word that best completes each sentencePart C: Write the spelling word next to its antonym.  
Basic phonemic terms: vowels, consonants, blends, digraphs, diphthong, compound words, comtractions, synonyms, antonyms, homonyms, base words, vowel rules, plurals, suffixes, 
Runaway robot loves to find words that start with the /r/ sound as in 'robot.'  Cut out the pictures that start with the /r/ sound.  Glue them to the boxes beside Runaway Robot.  
Dear Diary, I am home again.  I had so much fun at _____ this summer.  My favorite part of the vacation was _____.  I also had fun when _____.  
37 page packet: contains all beginning blend worksheets, combined into a single PDF
by Elizabeth M. Prather, Ph.D. - What is the cause of your child's speech problem?  Finding the exact cause or causes of your child's speech problem can be difficult.  Each child's speech is influenced by many factors, including the ability to hear, the physical development of the mouth and throat, and the abilities the child inherits.  
Say each picture name, fill in the circle if you hear the long "u" sound. Fill in the cirlce next to the word that completes each sentence.  
Worksheet for learning Beginning Blends - f, l, fl
Word wall ideas: AB, phonetic, name / photo, parts of speech, cross-curricular, word family, literature, words we know, concept, help, thematic
Coloring activity for learning capital and lowercase "E" - color the uppercase spaces brown and lowercase blue to see the picture.  
Worksheet for learning Beginning Blends - cl, cr
Worksheet for learning Beginning Blends - s, m, sm
What is speech?  Articulation? Language? Voice? Learn the vocabulary using this helpful glossary
Your child will be enrolled in speech and language therapy.  This article will help you answer questions like: What is therapy? How can therapy help your child? How can you choose the best therapy setting for your child?  
Penguin worksheet for coloring.  Smiling penguin, wearing a bow tie.