Language Arts (381)

Whether you're focusing on comprehension strategies, literary analysis, or honing writing techniques, we provide a diverse array of materials to support your teaching objectives. From engaging literature guides to interactive grammar activities, our resources are designed to spark curiosity, inspire creativity, and cultivate a deep appreciation for the power of language.

run - tin - nun can - den - Ben men - pin - fun van - hen - pan ten - win - kin bin - fin - pun tan - bun - ban pen - man - sun
Worksheet for learning dr, gr, cr, br (beginning blends)
Circle the words in the puzzle.  Color the puzzle.  Words include cube, cute, Duke, dune, huge, mule, tube, tune.
Worksheet for learning beginning blends - c, l, cl
Students will produce words using syllables (syllable cards)
7 pages total: long vowel patterns with examples for each.  
 Write the rhyming word that names the picture.  Words include hen, men, wet, pet
Words include rid, fine, hide, shine, pin, slid, slide, ride, shin, hid, fin, pine
Words ending in n, k, and nk, such as son, peek, chin, beak, bunk, pink, fun, week, cheek...
Words ending in n, t, and nt, such as but, chin, out, hen, mint, ant, front, get, pen.
Worksheet for learning Beginning Blends - gr, gl, cr, cl
Dolch words for practicing at home with your child.  Aim to have 100% of these words learned by the end of first grade.
Quarterly breakdown of goals and objectives for Kindergarten: stories, illustrations, recognition, rhyming, drawing, first name.
Worksheet for learning Beginning Blends - t, w, tw
Printable worksheet for learning digraph words that start with c, h, and ch: chin cat hat cub hop chick cop chunk hog cup chat hunk check cap his cot him chop
List of preschool book recommendations
Children identify words that rhyme in a series of activities.  Snap and clap, rhyming word sit down, songs, big books...
The stages are grouped into three phases: Observation and imitation, single word and phrase use, and initial understanding of grammatical rules
Worksheet for learning Beginning Sounds - L, K, J, W
Worksheet for learning beginning blends (b, l, bl)