Music (20)

Delve into our harmonious collection of resources covering a wide range of musical topics, from music theory and history to performance techniques and composition. Whether you're teaching in the classroom or exploring music at home, our curated materials offer engaging activities, lesson plans, and interactive tools to enrich your musical journey.

The Music/Movement Materials Checklist is a list of different items that can be used for music/movement in a classroom setting. It includes different music materials, musical instruments, and movements that can be used. The list also suggests using a variety of music tapes, CDs and records in a variety of genres for the children to listen to,
Students can learn how to count forward and backward from 10 using the "Ten in the Bed" song and this helpful visual aid.
A packet of 36 songs, available as one unit and as each individual page. Features:Ten Little ChildrenThe Twelve Days of SchoolThe Secret Letter SongChicka Chicka Boom BoomPhon-exerciseThe Vowel SongOld Macdonald Had a FarmDays of the Week and Macarena MonthsThe Color FarmThe Weather SongSomeone's BirthdayFirefighter SongSafety First!Five Little PumpkinsItsy Bitsy SpiderThanksgiving DayThe TurkeyThree TurkeysThis Land is Your LandSinging the SensesMy DreidelDirectionsOn Martin Luther King DayThe ButterflyOur Great State (Pennsylvania)Counting CoinsA Money Trading SongThe Dollar SongThe Bunny PokeyComin' Round The Mountain (Sums of 11)Row Row Row Your Boat (Facts of 12)Twinkle Twinkle Little Star (Facts of 13)Parts of a PlantThe Rock SongGreen PlantsChanging Rocks
Songs to teach about different kinds of workers. First song is about workers that help, second song is about workers that are creative, and third song is about workers that serve.
Easy lyrics for the classic "Caught a Fish Alive" song.
An apple-related rewrite of the classic "Itsy Bitsy Spider" song. 
Each song has an accompanying activity to keep children engaged and active. Looking for more activities from Jean Feldman?
Lyrics to 4 songs to help inject some music into the classroom. 
Preschoolers love to sing, make music and move to the beat. They feel competent when they learn a new song, powerful when they pound a drum or shake a tambourine, and proud when they invent a new dance. These are some ways for parents to encourage their child's love of music at home.
For parents: stages of musical development
Music is an important part of a child development. The songs in these documents are a perfect way to get students to accomplish different goals through songs.
Sheet music for song "Alice the Camel"
Oh no he swallowed my toe.  Oh gee he swallowed my knee...
Sheet music to sing "Brown Bear, Brown Bear" to
For playing on keyboard, piano, etc.