The Spring counting book has pages to color, count and cut. Once all the pages are done they can be turned in to a book.
There are two Easter themed bookmarks to color and cut out.
A turkey decorated page for a book report. This would be the perfect page for reviewing a Thanksgiving themed story.
There are seven different types of activities to help students learn about Martin Luther King, Jr. The activities include a word search, crossword puzzles, and his I Have a Dream speech.
Rhyme play directs the children's attention to the similarities and differences in the sounds of words. They become aware that language not only has meaning and message, but also form.
by Gary Kowalski - Celebrating Earth Day through heartwarming full-color pages filled with exotic and diverse animals and plants in alphabetic order.
Using this coloring book, students can learn to count and match pictures to numbers with a catchy chant about potatoes.
A book of colors has different pictures that are labeled with different colors. The student will color the pictures according to the colors listed. Once all the pictures are colored the pages can be stapled together to make a book.
Invite children to make math books to include in the math center. Shape books, pattern books, and counting books.
This book shows many times I can do each activity in one minute. Hop on one foot, say the alphebet, clap my hands, count to 20, touch my toes.
9 page book: hot and cold, tall and short, front and back, big and little, in and out, over and under, wet and dry... pieces to cut and glue
Book evaluation form: Title, Interest Reading, Difficulty, Comments (room for 4 books per sheet)
Young children need to touch and see objects in order to learn about them. It may be helpful for them to hold and look at a phone when you are discussing what they already know about them.
Includes columns for date, book title, author, number of pages. Total pages read, student signature, parent signature.