
This four-page book summarizes the ways animals survive during winter. 

Cut around the edge of the pages and fold on the dotted lines!

Published in Science

This wordless book lets children get creative in making up the story based on the pictures.

Children can color and cut out the pictures to make a book.

Published in Language Arts

This easy reader reviews the life cycle of a butterfly.

Published in Science

Check your students' understanding of opposites with these handy cut and glue review worksheets.

Opposites included are hot and cold, tall and short, in front and in back, big and little, in and out, over and under, and wet and dry.

Published in Teaching Tools

Introduce students to another culture and language with this book.

Practice counting and writing number words one through twelve.

Published in Math

Let students fill in the blanks and draw the pictures (or get pictures from home) for this cute book chronicalling their life.

Makes a great keepsake as children grow up!  Or make one yourself so students can learn more about you!

Published in Reading

An introduction to subtraction, this book counts down from five to one.  Children draw (or glue, etc.) the correct amount of coconuts on the tree.

Published in Math

This packet includes a visual representation of the five senses on the first page.  The second page can be used as a worksheet or mini-book.  The third page lists additional activities and books.

Published in Science

This fascinating book about desert animals includes text with blank lines for students to fill in the missing letters.

Animals include the rattlesnake, javelina, coyote, black widow, desert tortoise, fennec fox, gila monster, jerboa, pupfish, camel, scorpion, roadrunner, and vulture.

Published in Science

This cute book mimics Eric Carle's Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? with its rhyme and repetition.  Prints 2 books at once (just cut pages in half).

Published in Teaching Tools

This book lets children count then write the number and number word for various winter items like snowflakes and mittens. 

Published in Math

This book about a snowman gives students the opportunity to practice reading common words such as this, is, a, for, and the.

Published in Reading

Book includes the following celebrations:

Published in Social Studies

It's been SO LONG since I've done a blog post!

Published in Blog

This cute little book has no words and is a great way to help children begin reading! 

Published in Science

Help students feel confident reading and writing common words with these worksheets!

Words include a, am, and, at, big, but, can, color words (black, blue, brown, green, purple, red, white, yellow), do, go, have, here, in, is, it, like, little, look, my, not, number words (one, two, three), see, where, the, to, up, we, what, you, and more.

Download the cover page and use any or all of these pages to create a helpful book for your students!

Published in Writing

This book is a great way to review color words with children.
Colors included are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, brown, and black.

Book provides words only.  Children draw and color the appropriate balloon on each page.

Published in Teaching Tools

This book explains what happens before, during, and after a little chick is born using an incubator. 

Published in Science

Use this book and follow up writing activity to practice the sight words it and did.

Published in Reading

Students will love reading about baby Bim in this story.  High frequency words included are me, with, and she.

Published in Reading