Students will love reading about baby Bim in this story. High frequency words included are me, with, and she.
A great follow up to Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? (by Bill Martin Jr. / Eric Carle), or any lesson reviewing shapes or color words.
Shapes and colors used are orange square, purple circle, green triangle, brown rectangle, blue diamond, red heart, and yellow star.
Practice the short /u/ sound with this cute books about teamwork and a tub.
High frequency words include carry, bring, our, hold, and us.
Combination book report form and coloring worksheet. Includes fields for Title, Author, Illustrator, # of pages, The Best Part, Main Characters.
Children will practice reading common words like it, is, for, and he with this book.
Use this book to create a sense of community and friendship in the classroom by adding a picture of each child and their name. You'll be surprised at
Children will love reading this story about items at a toy store. They will practice reading common words like I, am, and a.
This foldable book helps children learn about Kwanzaa.
Fathers will treasure this gift from their child(ren)!
This book lets students practice reading and writing the words my and can.
Print and color to create your own book about bats!
A coloring-book version of the classic "Five Little Pumpkins" story.
This book emphasizes the high frequency words I and am. Includes some pictures above more challenging words.
This simple book reviews 4 different shapes: rhombuses, trapezoids, squares, and hexagons.
Animals in the zoo are introduced to the joy of reading when the bookmobile shows up by mistake- a rollicking rhyming story. This document has activities that are linked to the book Wild About Books.
A wide selection of books (3-4 examples of each type), rotated to maintain interest with at least 3 relating to current theme, are organized in a reading center and are accessible for a substantial portion of the day. (At least 20 books for a group of 15 children plus one extra for each additional child.) This checklist can be used to set up the reading section in a classroom.
The My Word Book has 36 site words that all 1st graders should learn. There are several activities that the students can complete to learn these words.
Books are beary special is a coloring page that can be used to teach the importance of book. The children can color it in as they learn.
This book belongs to _____ (Flora and Ulysses)