
A review of all basic grammar components.

Published in Language Arts

A simple and effective way to have students reflect on a book.

Details include title, author, illustrator, setting, main characters, brief summary, and rating different parts of the book.

Published in Reading

A great worksheet to review how tricky the letter y can be and the sounds it can make.

Published in Language Arts

This CVC packet has a teeth theme and includes a variety of word sorting activities.

Published in Language Arts

This variation of Pascal's triangle with challenge kids to figure out which numbers are missing from the triangle.

Published in Math

These 3 worksheets are a great way to get students thinking about addition, not just memorizing it!

Published in Math

The world: Earth Day worksheet is a single page worksheet that can be colored. It also contains suggestions on how to enjoy different resources the Earth has to offer.

Published in Science

See if your students can pick the right homonym in the song on the top half of this worksheet.

On the bottom, students write rhyming words found the the song above.

Published in Holiday Worksheets

Use these worksheets to assess your students' understanding of beginning sounds.  Four letter sounds are reviewed on each page (5 pages total): b  f  k  n  -  d  z  l  r  -  v  j  p  s  -  y  w  t  m  -  c  g  h  q

Published in Language Arts

Have children follow the directions and color the shapes.  Can be used to assess shape or color word identification.

Published in Math

Practice spelling and reading CVC-silent e words by assembling ice cream sundaes.

Published in Language Arts

A great way to review CVC words with large group, small group, and independent activities.

Published in Language Arts

Color the shapes to finish the picture. 

Published in Math

This cute CVC word practice activity includes the following:

Published in Language Arts

Children can cut and paste (or draw) the hands on the clocks to match the given time.

Published in Math

This packet includes 10 pages of simple addition problems with pictures.

Published in Math

These RIF activities will enhance young children's learning.

Published in Teaching Tools

These cards have pictures and words that help reinforce the ending /k/ sound in CVC, CVCC, CVVC, and CVCe words.

Published in Language Arts

This worksheet lets students trace the words "This story was mostly about..." and finish with their own thoughts.

Space is provided for a picture and the title of the book.

Published in Reading

Fill in the CVC word that matches the pictures.

Published in Language Arts