This sheet provides a cute poem, a picture, and upper- and lower-case practice for the letter Bb.
Practice spelling and writing the words us, bus, cut, but, rug, hug, our, bring, city, giant.
Help students feel confident reading and writing common words with these worksheets!
Words include a, am, and, at, big, but, can, color words (black, blue, brown, green, purple, red, white, yellow), do, go, have, here, in, is, it, like, little, look, my, not, number words (one, two, three), see, where, the, to, up, we, what, you, and more.
Download the cover page and use any or all of these pages to create a helpful book for your students!
Draw a line from each bowl to the spoon with its synonym.
Let students explore building words with these letters and worksheets.
The attribute web below is designed to help you gather clues the author provides about what a character is like. Fill in the blanks with words and phrases which tell how the character acts and looks, as well as what the character says and what the others say about him or her.
Use the letters from "What is your favorite trick or treat, and why?" to make as many new words as possible.
Practice your multiplication skills by multiplying the numbers in each group and write the answer below the line. Example 63 x 32
Use the code to help solve the riddles!
Use the letters from "What is summer fun?" to make as many new words as possible.
These worksheets are a great way to get kids thinking while reviewing different shapes.
11 page packet of multiplication worksheets: multiplying by 0 through 9
These three pages allow children to practice their visual discrimination skill.
Children count the pennies and draw a line to match the number to the correct amount of coins.
Children write the number of pennies in each purse on the line. Can be laminated for reuse.
Use this worksheet to reinforce telling time to the hour on an analog clock.
Practice basic (money) counting skills with the worksheet. Laminate for reuse.
This worksheet reinforces the concept that one nickel has the same monetary value as five pennies.
Students collected cans of food to give to a local soup kitchen. Look at the graph and key to find out how many of each top of canned food they collected.
Learn digraph words! Say the word and color the picture:
Skill: reviewing consonant digraphs