This engaging activity is perfect for individual practice, small groups, or literacy centers. Use to reinforce letters and letter sounds for emergent readers.
Students will read CVC words and then lift up the flap to reveal a picture of the word. Pictures are in color and black and white. Words include: cat, jam, cap, bat, map, ham, cab.
A simple sign letting others know class is in session and children are learning.
Don't forget to check out our other signs!
Connect the dots A-E to create a star!
Children imagine and draw their own insect.
Write how many: a simple addition worksheet with pictures for beginners.
Reinforce letter recognition by finding all of the upper- and lower-case Mm's.
A packet that features different Valentine's Day themed art activities, crafts, games, snacks, and more!
Children practice tracing and drawing the upper- and lowercase letter Ii.
This sheet is a great way to communicate with parents about their child's day.
Children count, draw, and write the number of apples.
"By the time today's children are 30, TEN YEARS of their life will have been spent watching TV." -- Let's change that.
Visit for more information.
See if children can sort the upper- and lowercase letter.
This simple book reviews 4 different shapes: rhombuses, trapezoids, squares, and hexagons.
Children write the number of pennies in each purse on the line. Can be laminated for reuse.
Review even numbers (2, 4, 6, 8) and one-to-one correspondence!
Use this worksheet to reinforce telling time to the hour on an analog clock.
Practice basic (money) counting skills with the worksheet. Laminate for reuse.
Use this small alphabet book to reinforce letters and the sounds they make.
Have children draw the dots, add them up, and write the sum on the line.