Connect the dots #1-18 to finish the picture!
Connect letters A-K on the train and numbers 1-14 to complete the first picture!
Connect the dots #1-18 to complete the second (engine only) picture!
A great way for students or teachers to keep track of which centers students choose.
Practice tracing these lines to improve hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills.
Chart students' pro- and anti-social behavior with this worksheet.
Have children practice tracing these vertical lines to improve their fine motor skills.
This wheel reviews the sequence of the life cycle of a butterfly.
Practice tracing horizontal lines to help improve fine motor skills needed for handwriting.
Help the worm to find its way out of the apple!
Have some fun and celebrate Groundhog Day with this hat and poem!
This science experiment (taste-testing) goes well with a Chicka Chicka Boom Boom unit. Children can taste the tropical fruit and circle yes or no for whether or not they liked it.
Trace with a finger, pencil, or use with play dough. Either way, children will enjoy practicing how to draw a star!
Use these worksheets to have children practice writing their name and adress, along with comparing themselves now to when they were a baby.
Use these activities for the younger grades when celebrating one student each week.
Use these terms to enhance children's vocabulary when describing the parts of a butterly.
Use these verbal cues to help students learn how to form their letters. Includes every letter.
Looking for poems for number formation?
Have children trace the rest of the barn to complete the picture.
A great way to practice fine motor skills! Also can be laminated (use dry erase markers).
Use these catchy rhyming poems to help students learn how to form their numbers.
Looking for phrases for letter formation?
A great way to practice using the pincer grip!