Worksheet: Examples of Analogies

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Worksheet: Examples of Analogies

Includes 50 sample analogies: use for teaching plurals, past vs. present tense, vocabulary, opposites, and more!

1. In is to out as Up is to Down
2. Go is to Green as Red is to Stop
3. Wheel is to Bike as Tire is to Car
4. Land is to Dirt as Ocean is to Water
5. Apple is to Tree as Flower is to Plant
6. Toe is to Foot as Finger is to Hand
7. Day is to Month as Minute is to Hour
8. Purple is to Grapes as Red is to Cherries
9. Word is to Sentence as Page is to Book
10. Small is to Large as Little is to Big
11. Three is to Triangle as Four is to Square
12. Rich is to Money as Well is to Health
13. Land is to River as Body is to Veins
14. Pig is to Port as Cow is to Beef
15. Small is to Petite as Large is to Giant
16. Panel is to Door as Pane is to Window
17. Eye is to Sight as Teeth is to Chew
18. Meow is to Cat as Bark is to Dog
19. Baby is to Adult as Puppy is to Dog
20. Mitten is to Hand as Sock is to Foot
21. Author is to Story as Poet is to Poetry
22. Seed is to Tree as Egg is to Bird
23. Edward is to Ed as Suzanne is to Sue
24. Gas is to Car as Wood is to Fire
25. Creek is to River as Hill is to Mountain
26. Plane is to Hangar as Car is to Garage
27. Son is to Father as Daughter is to Mother
28. Stem is to Flower as Trunk is to Tree
29. Pen is to Author as Brush is to Artist
30. Rose is to Vase as Water is to Pitcher
31. Heat is to Furnace as Cool is to Air Conditioner
32. Man is to Men as Goose is to Geese
33. Boy is to Shirt as Girl is to Blouse
34. Boy is to Girl as Man is to Woman
35. Sit is to Sat as Bring is to Brought
36. Cat is to Mouse as Spider is to Fly
37. Knife is to Cut as Pen is to Write
38. Lion is to Cage as Book is to Bookcase
39. Pencil is to Write as Crayon is to Color
40. Bird is to Fly as Fish is to Swim
41. Snake is to Reptile as Lion is to Mammal
42. Zebra is to Stripes as Giraffe is to Spots
43. Fish is to Gills as Human is to Lungs
44. Ant is to Six Legs as Spider is to Eight Legs
45. Scissors is to Cut as Glue is to Paste
46. Jog is to Run as Hop is to Jump
47. Music is to Listen as TV is to Watch
48. Happy is to Sad as Hot is to Cold
49. Wealthy is to Rich as Poor is to Broke
50. Kitchen is to Cooking as Bedroom is to Sleeping


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