Children can cut and paste (or draw) the hands on the clocks to match the given time.
This catchy song makes it easy to remember Groundhog Day!
These cards have pictures and words that help reinforce the ending /k/ sound in CVC, CVCC, CVVC, and CVCe words.
This worksheet lets students trace the words "This story was mostly about..." and finish with their own thoughts.
Space is provided for a picture and the title of the book.
An easy way to learn and remember Spanish words!
This chart includes a star to mark the multiples of 5.
Use these as a reward for good behavior!
Children can practice writing the number and number word (packet includes 1 through 10).
Use to practice making/reading Consonant-Vowel-Consonant words.
Fill in the CVC word that matches the pictures.
This cute little book has no words and is a great way to help children begin reading!
This sheet provides a cute poem, a picture, and upper- and lower-case practice for the letter Bb.
Practice spelling and writing the words us, bus, cut, but, rug, hug, our, bring, city, giant.
Challenge your students to make as many words as they can using the letters from "What do you like to do in the winter?"
Download the lesson plan and patterns needed to create this jungle mobile.
Animals include a tiger, toucan, monkey, and elephant, but more can easily be added!
Bring on spring with these colorful flower basket crafts.
Use these tips to help develop healthy reading habits with your children!
Practice blending CVC words by letting kids roll the letter cubes to make their own words.
Use this Valentine's Day prompt to practice writing and encourage thoughtfulness.