Although food manufacturers have pledged to voluntarily eliminate bisphenol A (BPA)—an endocrine disruptor linked to developmental problems in fetuses, infants and children—in their packaging materials, it’s still found in the lining of many canned goods.
After some cutting, you will have your own Word Bingo game!
Set the foundation for a healthy life for your child(ren) by doing these 4 things.
Activities to entertain both you and your child! Includes tips for getting ready for school.
This sheet is a great way to communicate with parents about their child's day.
A great way to review home safety tips with your kids.
This visual gives basic milestones for young children up to five years old.
It includes four categories:
Monitor your child's development with this reference.
Simple tips for families to promote literacy BEFORE kindergarten.
Use this chart to help schedule your child's bedtime routine.
Example activities for Springtime
Parents can use this worksheet to encourage their child(ren) to do some learning activities at home. The child can choose one of the activities listed, and then color in the bone in which the activity is described.
Find the Fall version of this worksheet here.
"Life is but a series of breaths." This book will open your eyes to how important breathing is.
This animated visual shows how a baby develops in utero.