For Parents

This visual shows what students gain by reading 20 minutes vs. 5 minutes vs. 1 minute a day.  

Published in Reading

Winter is finally here -- seriously! It was 10 degrees out this morning! Ugh! Anyway, now that I can't get G out to the playground and running around outside as often, I started prepping some games to play.

Published in Blog

So G really wanted to do a “rain craft” today, but ughhh Monday…. I didn’t feel like scraping glue off the table or scrubbing paint when we were done, so I pulled out this super simple SCIENCE idea that I’ve been saving for a while.

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With warm, spring weather here I decided to do an outdoor craft with G to help decorate our tree and give our birds a special treat.

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Simple chart shows how many (average) hours of sleep are needed at each age.

Published in For Parents

Images show the proper way to swaddle a baby.

Published in For Parents

What do you do when it's 7am, you've reheated your coffee twice already but haven't DRANK any yet, ANNNND now your child asks to "do a craft mama?”

Published in Blog

Use this checklist to help with baby proofing.

Published in For Parents

Answer yes or no to these twelve questions to determine a young infant's language skills.

Published in Teaching Tools

Pictures that demonstrate a baby's behavior/expressions and what they mean.  Also includes strategies for how to calm a crying baby.

Published in For Parents

Help Nicki find his mitten!

Published in Teaching Tools

I LOVE finding fun, pretend play activities with stuff we have laying around.

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A visual that depicts the importance of early childhood (and early intervention).

Published in Teaching Tools

Graphic showing incorrect and correct upright posture.

Published in For Parents

Use this form to assess a young infant's language skills.

Published in Teaching Tools

So what's sensory play and why should you be doing it?

Published in Blog

These RIF activities will enhance young children's learning.

Published in Teaching Tools


2014 PA PreKindergarten Learning Standards

Published in Teaching Tools

You can bond with your baby by applying gentle pressure to certain areas/zones on your baby's foot, providing relief and comfort.

Published in For Parents

"Kangaroo Mother Care (KMC) is the brainchild of Colombian pediatrician Edgar Rey, who introduced it to the Instituto Materno Infantil in 1978. It was an idea born out of desperation."

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