A great game for large or small groups to reinforce numbers 0-24 (and paying attention).
Print this mat to allow children to visually see that five pennies is equivalent to a nickel. Use with plastic or real coins.
2016 PA Second Grade Standards - Common Core (update)
This sheet is a great way to communicate with parents about their child's day.
This visual gives basic milestones for young children up to five years old.
It includes four categories:
"By the time today's children are 30, TEN YEARS of their life will have been spent watching TV." -- Let's change that.
Visit eyi.org for more information.
Simple tips for families to promote literacy BEFORE kindergarten.
See if children can sort the upper- and lowercase letter.
Read aloud tips and suggestions to promote engagement. Provides book ideas and extension activities. Help create listeners, book lovers, and lifelong readers.
Use this worksheet to reinforce telling time to the hour on an analog clock.
Use this small alphabet book to reinforce letters and the sounds they make.
Have children draw the dots, add them up, and write the sum on the line.
This visual shows that, while it may only look like playing to the untrained eye, young children benefit more from play than formal instruction.
Children draw to complete the patterns.
Thirty activities to stimulate a preschool-aged child's early reading skills, along with a guide for how parents can assist their children.