G & I were doing some crafts this morning, and I had a bunch of extra office supply dot stickers out....soooo I decided to give her a fun little pre-writing activity to do with our leftover dots!
Book includes the following celebrations:
A spooky twist to a favorite classic, Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?, uses the repetition of the book to reinforce colors and color words.
In these tough economic times, we should be investing in Early Childhood Education!
A visual that depicts the importance of early childhood (and early intervention).
Today we tried out ice cube painting and it was AWESOME. They are a cool twist on traditional watercolors. Plus, this is a perfect activity for those HOT summer days.
Use this form to assess a young infant's language skills.
This catchy song makes it easy to remember Groundhog Day!
Children discern upper- and lowercase letter Aa.
2014 PA PreKindergarten Learning Standards
Use this form to observe and record a child's behavior and interactions with others in any setting.
"Kangaroo Mother Care (KMC) is the brainchild of Colombian pediatrician Edgar Rey, who introduced it to the Instituto Materno Infantil in 1978. It was an idea born out of desperation."
Download all the tracing items in one pack! Includes 17 pages of ciricles, curves, lines, animals, and more!
Summer is near and that means HOT days and water play – our favorite!!! We pulled out G’s water table a little over a week ago and she was so excited. It’s definitely a favorite for her on hot days!
Common Core Kindergarten Learning Standards (and the two previous versions from before the Common Core).