
Children write the number of pennies in each purse on the line.  Can be laminated for reuse.

Published in Math

Practice basic (money) counting skills with the worksheet.  Laminate for reuse.

Published in Math

This worksheet reinforces the concept that one nickel has the same monetary value as five pennies.

Published in Math

This bundle contains 10 pages of counting practice with numbers 1-10.  

Published in Math

Easy lyrics for the classic "Caught a Fish Alive" song.

Published in Music

Write your name, one letter in a block. Count the letters!

Published in Reading

Practice writing numbers 0 to 12.  Each number includes a corresponding picture to help reinforce 1:1 correspondence.

Published in Writing

Use this simple activity to improve children's ability to count and add.

Published in Math

This 3-page bundle reinforces the concepts of greater/smaller and more/less.

Published in Math

A short review worksheet covering addition, subtraction, and number comparisons.

Published in Math

This bundle reviews number sequencing up to 10.  Last page includes ordinal numbers (1st, 2nd, etc.).

Published in Math

Number Cards with pictures for zero through ten.  Includes 4 Wild Cards.

Published in Math

Using this coloring book, students can learn to count and match pictures to numbers with a catchy chant about potatoes.

Published in Math

Words and directions for "Hot Potato" and "Eeny Meeny Miny Mo"

Published in Reading

A catchy song to practice jumping rope and counting.

Published in Reading

These sets of winter things are ready for counting.  Count the number of winter objects in each set and then write the numeral that tells how many in the little box.  Color the pictures.  

Published in Math

Color the heart in the ninth position, second position, fifth position, etc...

Published in Math