The preschool outcomes list is a great way to track preschoolers progress from the beginning of the year. It will show the students' progress in shapes.
Promoting diversity and inclusion is an important learning experience for children. These activities will show the students that being different can be a good thing.
Home visit log: Name, WSS, Child Ind. Plans, Home Visit, Parent / Teacher Conference
A sand/water materials list broken down into different categories. The categories include types of sand/water containers, sand/water toys, water toys, including above, dramatic play toys, different activities for water and different activities for sand.
A nature/science materials list with different categories. The categories include collections of natural objects, living things, books, games or toys and nature/science activities.
1 page, entire School Year: September through August
While the use of electronics such as videos, TV and computers can be good for children, it needs to be used in the right way. This will give examples of the best way to use these devices.
Powerpoint presentation with information about fine and gross motor skills:
67 page packet from Writing Workshop