
Checklist for appropriate practice for work with 3 year olds: puzzles, pegboards, crayons; trikes and wagons, blocks, scoops, toys with knobs and latches, dramatic play props...

Published in Teaching Tools

This checklist contains work and activities that are appropriate for 4–5-year-olds. It focuses on experiences that meet physical, social, emotional and intellectual needs.  

Published in Teaching Tools

Is your classroom literacy friendly? You have an important role in providing the children in your classroom with some of their first experiences with books and reading. Look around your classroom and think about what you do with the children.

Published in Reading

The Music/Movement Materials Checklist is a list of different items that can be used for music/movement in a classroom setting. It includes different music materials, musical instruments, and movements that can be used. The list also suggests using a variety of music tapes, CDs and records in a variety of genres for the children to listen to,

Published in Music

The Developmental Checklist - Four to Five Years provides the user with a list to use when evaluating the development of a 4-5-year-old child. The list includes categories for movement, hand and finger skills, language milestones, cognitive milestones and social milestones. 

Published in Teaching Tools

The School District Classroom Checklist is a check list for teachers to follow to keep their rooms clean and safe. 

Published in Teaching Tools

Track each student's progress for retelling stories: Title, word accuracy, fluency, characters, setting, events, problem, solution

Published in Teaching Tools

This is a list of different blocks that can be used to test gross motor skills. It lists sizes, shapes and materials the blocks can be made from. It also lists accessories that can be used for the tests.

Published in Teaching Tools

The writing checklist can be used to improve your writing skills. It contains a list of questions to ask when writing.

Published in Writing

The Art Materials Checklist is a list of art supplies that can be used in an art class. It could also be used for students to request specific supplies in the class room.

Published in Teaching Tools

The editing checklist for second graders will help students improve their writing. It has several categories for the student to focus on. The categories are conventions, focus, content, organization and style. It has questions for both the student and teachers to answer.

Published in Teaching Tools

Playground safety checklist: 8 inch deep resilient ground cover under all swings, merry go rounds, slides, etc; Foreign objects; Obscructions; climbing height; concrete supports; sharp edges, openings, frayed cables, timbers, portable toys, crush points, fence...

Published in Teaching Tools

This curriculum is designed to meet physical, social, emotional and intellectual needs of children 5-8-years-old. It will help the students learn how to learn and to establish a pattern of lifelong learning.

Published in Teaching Tools

Fine Motor Materials

Small building toys

Art Materials




Published in Teaching Tools

Example ideas of things to count during the day: examples include counting money in the play center, comparing blocks, measuring height, etc.

Published in Math

The Dramatic Play Materials Checklist is a list of items for role play in the classroom. There are several different categories list for the dramatic play. They include dress-up clothes, housekeeping props, different kinds of work props, fantasy props, leisure props and examples of outdoor props.

Published in Teaching Tools

Phonological awareness is an individual's awareness of the phonological structure, or sound structure, of words. Teachers can use this checklist to test students' phonological awareness. 

Published in Reading

This is a great way to get young children excited about brushing their teeth. The checklist has cute pictures they can color and also lets them keep track of their progress with brushing twice a day.

Published in For Parents

A barrier is something that makes it impossible for a person with a disability to get around or into a building. Is your school barrier free? use this checklist to find out.

Published in Teaching Tools

A wide selection of books (3-4 examples of each type), rotated to maintain interest with at least 3 relating to current theme, are organized in a reading center and are accessible for a substantial portion of the day. (At least 20 books for a group of 15 children plus one extra for each additional child.) This checklist can be used to set up the reading section in a classroom.

Published in Teaching Tools