The shape is divided into ___ equal parts. It's divided into ___. One part is called ___.
The students will read Rikki-tikki-tavi to answer the questions.
Worksheet for learning decimal places to the hundredths position. Instructions: Write the decimal and fraction with each square.
Which figure is a circle? What is the name of the figure shown below?
Find the mean, average, median, mode, and range
The Land or Sea cut, and paste has activities that can help students learn the difference between land and sea animals. It will also help students with fine motor skills by letting them cut out the animals.
Round each number to the nearest thousand.
Write the value of a collection of coins and bills in decimal form and count, compare, and make change up to twenty dollars.
Worksheet for learning about fire hydrants, sirens, trucks, and fire safety. Stop drop and roll!
Includes Answers
A spelling test to go with the story Yingtao's New Friend.
Match the time on the left with the time on the right.
Radius and diameter quiz: 2 pages
Probability activity: What are the chances... based on flipping a coin, tossing a 6 sided die, etc.
Practice your multiplication skills by multiplying the numbers in each group and write the answer below each line. Example 726 x 23
Math Worksheet: How much would it cost t o buy a robot and a piggy bank? A toy car and a plastic duck?
Identify the elements for each problem. Worksheet includes 9 circles, with letters identifying the radius, diameter, and midpoint.
Printable worksheet with 22 basic division problems
Spelling test to accompany "A Big City Dream" - analogies, complete the sentence
Identify or classify three-dimensional figures (cube, sphere, rectangular prism, and pyramid)
The Rikki-Tikki-Tavi spelling test is used to test the students on their knowledge on the spelling words from the book.