Answer Key

Context Clue questions about Komodo Drags.  Read and answer the questions.  Key words include predator and rare.  

Published in Reading

Fill in the empty boxes.  Rules include subtract 1, add 5...

Published in Math

Worksheet contains 5 word problems: calculate the elapsed time.  

Published in Math

Practice your multiplication skills by multiplying the numbers in each group and write the answer below the line.  Example 63 x 32

Published in Math

Use <, >, or = to compare the decimal numbers.  Includes 17 problems to solve.

Published in Math

Stuffed animals owned by students: Pictograph activity with answers.

Published in Math

How many hours is the store open on Friday?  How long is it open on Saturday?  And other word problems...

Published in Math

Hundredths and tenths: write the deimal and the fraction of each shaded part.  

Published in Math

Complete the table by writing the time shown on the clocks and filling in the elapsed time.  

Published in Math

True or false quiz about Stone Fox book chapters 1-3.  Includes questions about characters such as Willy, Dr. Smith, Searchlight, Grandfather.  

Published in Reading

Examine the number patterns.  Write the next three numbers in each pattern.  How do you know which numbers come next?  Three sets of numbers -

Published in Math

Learn how to make change using this free worksheet.  

Published in Math

Solve single and double digit multiplication problems; multiply factors up to 3 digits by a 2 digit factor.  Example problem: 2010 x 4 = ______

w/ Answers

Published in Math

Tell what point is located at each ordered pair.  Write the ordered pair for each given unit.  Plot the following points on the coordinate grid. 

Published in Math

Complete the table by filling in the elapsed times.  

Published in Math

Basic point plotting exercise that uses common objects instead of letters to represent points.  

Published in Math

Color all the triangles blue, quadrilaterals green, pentagons red, hexagons blue, octagons purple.  

Published in Math

Complete the table: Word name (sixty cents), dollar sign and decimal point ($0.60), cents sign (60⊄)

Published in Math

Write the name of the solid figure that each object looks like.  

Published in Math

Place value worksheet with larger numbers - in hundreds

Published in Math