
Free printable worksheet for learning words with short vowels with ending digraphs.

  • much
  • cloth
  • mash
  • dash
  • fresh
  • which
  • fish
  • hush
  • moth
  • bath
  • slosh
  • trash
  • mesh
  • math
  • with
  • Beth
  • rich
  • broth
  • gosh
  • crush
  • flesh
  • rush
  • wish
  • such
Published in Language Arts

Children discern upper- and lowercase letter Aa.

Published in Language Arts

These cards have pictures and words that help reinforce the ending /k/ sound in CVC, CVCC, CVVC, and CVCe words.

Published in Language Arts

Use to practice making/reading Consonant-Vowel-Consonant words.  

Published in Language Arts

Fill in the CVC word that matches the pictures.

Published in Language Arts

Words include blue, stool, new, balloon, glue, hue, crew, blew, grew, tooth, clue...

Published in Language Arts

Worksheet for learning long vowel patterns ai, oa, ee, ea.  Words include meat, mail, seed, paint, toad, read. moan, boat, croak...

Published in Language Arts

Words include day, may, wait, whale, came, bake, brain, stay...

Published in Language Arts

Practice blending CVC words by letting kids roll the letter cubes to make their own words.

Published in Language Arts

Words include be, mean, we, cheap, he, need, cheek, free, see, me, she, wheat, steal, tree

Published in Language Arts

Words include lamp, must, soft, frost, past, test, bulk, pond...

Published in Language Arts

This CVC activity includes 8 different CVC words with a spooky theme.

Published in Language Arts

Use the letters from "What is your favorite trick or treat, and why?" to make as many new words as possible.

Published in Holiday Worksheets

This engaging activity is perfect for individual practice, small groups, or literacy centers.  Use to reinforce letters and letter sounds for emergent readers.

Students will read CVC words and then lift up the flap to reveal a picture of the word.  Pictures are in color and black and white.  Words include: cat, jam, cap, bat, map, ham, cab.

Published in Language Arts

Children imagine and draw their own insect.

Published in Language Arts

This bundle lets children manipulate words and practice the magic of spelling while reinforcing letters and their sounds.

Published in Language Arts

Use the letters from "What is summer fun?" to make as many new words as possible.

Published in Language Arts

Read-Trace-Color - A is a worksheet to teach the letter A to students. It allows the students to read the letters and words for each item pictured. They will also be able to trace the letter and color the pictures on the paper. 

Published in Reading

Children practice tracing and drawing the upper- and lowercase letter Ii.

Published in Language Arts