
Have children make their own Chicka Chicka Boom Boom tree.  Use child's forearm for the trunk and hands for the palm leaves.  When dry, have children put letters on and around the tree!

Published in Reading

Children discern upper- and lowercase letter Aa.

Published in Language Arts

Life cycle of a tree illustration / diagram

Published in Science

by Kristine O’Connell George- A collection of poems that children will love to discover and dream about ways trees can help them play, learn, grow and create.

Published in Reading

A Christmas tree connect the dot worksheet. It will teach numbers as well as shapes.

Published in Holiday Worksheets

This is a color, cut and paste activity. The students can color the shapes, cut them out and glue them on the Christmas tree.

Published in Holiday Worksheets

by Alan Zweibel: A heartwarming story, told in flashback by a father to his children, about a tree and how that tree became a beloved family member.  

Published in Reading

by Dr.Seuss

A classic poetic story, by a beloved children’s author, that encourages even the smallest person to believe in something and to care about the world around them.

Published in Reading

by Mary Newell DePalma: Simple illustrations come to life with vibrant colors and with a charming story that follows the life of an old tree, as it leaves a mark on the world.  

Published in Reading

Basic worksheet - life cycle of a tree: 6 boxes

Published in Science

by Carole Gerber
Peaceful, enormous, protective and spectacular are all words used to describe the various trees found in this classic book.

Published in Reading

Find each of these points on the graph above.  Make a dot in the correct place.  Label each dot with the correct letter.  Connect the dots, color the tree!

Published in Math

by Janice May Udry - Caldecott Winner (1956). A delightful story, beautifully illustrated, that celebrates the splendor and value of trees.

Published in Reading

Coloring page with squirrels and acorns with "This Work is 'Oak-ay'" at the top.

Published in Arts & Crafts

A family tree is a record of the names of people in a family.  Make your own family tree by writing the correct names in the blanks below.  Ask mom or dad to help.  

Published in Social Studies

Cut and glue the snowflakes onto the tree.  

Published in Math