Includes four different sets of checklists: Infant, Toddler, Young Child, Preschool. Empower yourself as your child's first teacher!
Determine a child's literacy skills with this two-page form.
Check either yes or no for each question to help determine your toddler's language abilities.
Analyze a child's initiation of an activity, their attention span, curiousity, frustration tolerance, relationship with teacher, acceptance of routines and limits, reactions to adults other than teacher, and interactions with other children.
Analyze your child's speech and language skills.
Winter is finally here -- seriously! It was 10 degrees out this morning! Ugh! Anyway, now that I can't get G out to the playground and running around outside as often, I started prepping some games to play.
With warm, spring weather here I decided to do an outdoor craft with G to help decorate our tree and give our birds a special treat.
What do you do when it's 7am, you've reheated your coffee twice already but haven't DRANK any yet, ANNNND now your child asks to "do a craft mama?”
Answer yes or no to these twelve questions to determine a young infant's language skills.
G and I were feeling adventurous this morning and decided to try this 2 ingredient cloud dough recipe I've been sitting on.
G & I were doing some crafts this morning, and I had a bunch of extra office supply dot stickers out....soooo I decided to give her a fun little pre-writing activity to do with our leftover dots!
I LOVE finding fun, pretend play activities with stuff we have laying around.
Today we tried out ice cube painting and it was AWESOME. They are a cool twist on traditional watercolors. Plus, this is a perfect activity for those HOT summer days.
Summer is near and that means HOT days and water play – our favorite!!! We pulled out G’s water table a little over a week ago and she was so excited. It’s definitely a favorite for her on hot days!
IT'S RAINING AGAIN! It's been such a wet spring here in MD and I just couldn't stay inside for another second, so I took this wet, soggy opportunity to try rain painting!
Use these tips to determine which observation strategy will help you.
Forms include anecdotal record, time sample, event sample, checklist, and rating scale.
This form examines all aspects of a child's physical development (age 1-24 months), including physical characteristics as well as fine and gross motor skills.
Now that G is (almost) 3, I'm trying to stimulate her interest in learning letters!
If you are looking for a super simple but fun St. Patrick's Day art project - HERE YOU GO!
I am all about finding meaningful play and learning experiences for G. This week, I decided to introduce her to sensory bins!