Blank digital clocks free printable worksheet. Laminate for longevity. Use dry erase markers to write times. Or write times and use as a matching game with Blank Analog Clocks.
Blank analog clocks. Laminate for reuse. 6 clocks per page. Can be used with Blank Digital Clocks as a matching game.
Simple worksheet for learning the parts of a clock, numbers, and hands: Write the numbers. Color the long hand blue. Color the short hand red.
Elapsed time word problems: Two worksheets, 6 problems each, with answers.
Nearest minute worksheet: write the time shown on each clock.
Children can cut and paste (or draw) the hands on the clocks to match the given time.
Calculate the elapsed time: 13 problems
Worksheet contains 5 word problems: calculate the elapsed time.
Calculate the elapsed time, to the minute, in a given situation (limited to 2 adjacent hours). Determine the beginning and/or ending time, given the elapsed time.
How many hours is the store open on Friday? How long is it open on Saturday? And other word problems...
Complete the table by writing the time shown on the clocks and filling in the elapsed time.
Cut out the arrows and numbers. Glue the numbers on the clock. Then, use a brass fastener to make the hour/minute hands movable.
Contains 40 different "I Have, Who Has?" games each with 24 different cards.
Complete the table by filling in the elapsed times.
Use this worksheet to reinforce telling time to the hour on an analog clock.
Children practice telling time as they help the mouse run up the clock!
Children become clockmakers as they create self-portrait clock faces.
Match the time on the left with the time on the right.
Children clip clothespins on a yarn time line clothesline sequencing events in their day.
Calculate the elapsed time, to the minute, in a given situation (limited to 2 adjacednt hours). Determine the beginning and/or ending time when given the elapsed time.