Stone Fox

One page summary of "Stone Fox" written by John Reynolds Gardiner - a novel unit

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Basic reading and writing comprehension rubric, Stone Fox book

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Stone Fox Academic Standards - Coaching Rubric is a lesson plan for reading Stone Fox. It can help students learn to read independently, improve the quality of their writing, public speaking and listening.


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True or false quiz about Stone Fox book chapters 1-3.  Includes questions about characters such as Willy, Dr. Smith, Searchlight, Grandfather.  

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Before reading question: Tell about a time when you made up your mind to do something no matter what, and you did it.

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17 page packet: vocabulary words, reading comprehension, activities and worksheets.  Book by John Reynolds Gardiner

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The Stone Fox crossword has questions to answer to complete the crossword. Students will use the list of words included to fill in the crossword.

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Stone Fox Lesson Plans has daily lessons connected to the novel Stone Fox. It has vocabulary lists and other activities that can help the students learn about the story.

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These worksheets have questions that coincide with the story Stone Fox. It contains questions that coincide with each chapter of the book.

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This contains vocabulary words for the book Stone Fox. It breaks the vocabulary words down by chapter.

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Teach students several academic standards with activities geared towards the book Stone Fox. The standards being taught are Learning to read independently, Quality of writing, and speaking and writing.

Published in Reading