Analyze your child's speech and language skills.
If your child is 3-5 and has trouble pronouncing words starting with these letters...
Language stimulation techniques, scaffolding strategies, dialogic storybook reading
Speech sound production is a complex process that involves precise planning coordination and movement of different articulators (such as the jaws, lips, teeth, tongue, palate, cheeks and voice box). Use this handout to determine what help students need in this area.
Ability awareness is a disability fact sheet. It lets the teacher evaluate the student's speech and language impairments. There are 6 sections listed. They are definition, characteristics, incidence, educational implications, resources and organizations.
The following is a list of all speech sounds and the age at which they normally develop.
What's a great way to encourage a child to pronounce sounds correctly? It's simple! Expose him/her to early developing speech sounds before he/she can even talk by reading books loaded with these sounds.
Parents often ask about warning signs of speed and/or language problems. This list provides some warning signs that parents can refer to when observing their children's speech and language skills.
Learning sounds at home, outside, on the road, and supermarket.
If your child has been scheduled for a speech and language evaluation, the child may have a speech and language disorder or delay. This article will describe some of the types of disorders. When your child has a speech and language evaluation, the evaluator will look for these signs of a particular problem. Disorders of language form, content, use, voice disorders.
When we say that someone speaks "fluently," we mean that the person's speech flows easily. Sounds combine into syllables, syllables blend into words, and words link into sentences with little effort. A disfluency is a break in the smooth, meaningful flow of speech.
What is a speech and language evaluation? It is the measurement of a person's communication skills. It is done to find out if a person has communication problems. The evalution is done by a speech and language clinician. An evaluation may be at a school, hospital, clinic, private office, or your home.
by Elizabeth M. Prather, Ph.D. - What is the cause of your child's speech problem? Finding the exact cause or causes of your child's speech problem can be difficult. Each child's speech is influenced by many factors, including the ability to hear, the physical development of the mouth and throat, and the abilities the child inherits.
What is speech? Articulation? Language? Voice? Learn the vocabulary using this helpful glossary
Your child will be enrolled in speech and language therapy. This article will help you answer questions like: What is therapy? How can therapy help your child? How can you choose the best therapy setting for your child?
Some ideas for ways in which adults can help young children develop good speech and language are.