Social and Emotional Development

Includes four different sets of checklists: Infant, Toddler, Young Child, Preschool.  Empower yourself as your child's first teacher!

Published in For Parents

Analyze a child's initiation of an activity, their attention span, curiousity, frustration tolerance, relationship with teacher, acceptance of routines and limits, reactions to adults other than teacher, and interactions with other children.

Published in Teaching Tools

Chart students' pro- and anti-social behavior with this worksheet.

Published in Teaching Tools

Use the checklist to determine different areas of development.  Areas include:

  • shapes
  • colors
  • body parts
  • social and emotional development
  • motor and physical development
  • music, movement and the creative arts
  • dramatic play
  • literacy (including phonological awareness, book handling, writing, letters, and more)
Published in Teaching Tools

Some of the common social and emotional characteristics of five year olds.  It is important to caution that these are generalizations and they may not apply exactly to all children but they are trends or barometers which have been gleaned from the research and they give us a rudimentary idea of what we can expect when we are looking at children of this age.  

Published in Teaching Tools

 Some children engage in problem behavior that is typical of a particular stage of development as they build relationships with peers and adults and learn to navigate the classroom environment. The teaching pyramid model describes a primary level of universal practices-classroom preventive practices that promotes the social and development of all children.

Published in Teaching Tools

For parents: stages of social development

Published in For Parents

Our classroom is a busy place where your preschooler is learning all sorts of things, social and emotional skills such as how to express feelings and how to work together with classmates on projects. This is a good introduction to a new preschool class.

Published in For Parents

Social-emotional behavioral development in young children changes by age. This shows how to evaluate children from the age of 2-5 years old. The changing behaviors are listed.

Published in Teaching Tools