Signature Required

This blank month calendar is a great way for students to keep track of how many minutes they read each day.  They can set their own goal and then add up the minutes to see if they met their goal for the month.  Student, Parent, and Teacher signatures required.

Published in Reading

This reading log allows the student to keep track of the different books they read in order to reach their goal.  Student and Parent signatures required.

Published in Reading

This reading log lets students track the number of pages they read to see if they can reach their goal for the month.  Student and Parent signature required at the bottom.

Published in Reading

This friendly letter allows teachers to set up a friendly holiday card exchange.

The bottom portion allows parents to decide if or how their child will be participating in the exchange.

Published in Holiday Worksheets

A helpful form to communicate a bullying incident with parents for both students involved.

Physical, verbal, and social/emotional bullying actions are listed, as well as space to list the action(s) taken following the incident.

Published in Teaching Tools

This simple chart has a line for the child's name along with five columns: date, title (or type of material read), minutes, pages, and parent initials.

Published in Reading
Use this note to send home with a student who is missing work.
Includes missing assignment, student explanation for incomplete work, student's plan to avoid a recurrance, due date, and parent signature line.
Published in Teaching Tools

Use this contract from October through March to help motivate students to read.  You need to fill in the bottom left checkbox "Take a computer ______" (ex: quiz or test), child's name, and set a goal for the total number of minutes the child will read that month.  Parent and Teacher signatures required.

Published in Reading

Use this reading contract from October-March to motivate your students to read.

Also includes choices for projects when finished, including an oral report, summary, computer quiz, or other.

Published in Reading