Second Grade

Plan your own story by writing the different parts on each shape.

Published in Reading

Help students remember the important part of a story with this worksheet.

Published in Reading

This packet includes 3 different activities involving the same six CVC words.  Great for small groups, centers, and independent practice.

Published in Language Arts

A fun little poem to use on the 100th day of school.  Children fill in their wish on the line and color the pciture.

Published in Holiday Worksheets

A great way to review CVC words with large group, small group, and independent activities.

Published in Language Arts

This fun actiity reviews adding and subtracting 1 and 10 from the number 20.

Published in Math

Children can cut and paste (or draw) the hands on the clocks to match the given time.

Published in Math

Give students practice adding and subtracting 1 and 10 from the given numbers.

Published in Math

This chart includes a star to mark the multiples of 5.

Published in Math

A list of ideas for the 100th day of school.  Includes science, art, and math activities as well as songs and snacks.

Published in Holiday Worksheets

This game is played like the memory match card game.

Published in Math

This worksheet reviews skip counting by 2's, 3's, 5's, and 10's.  Includes addition doubles at the bottom.

Published in Math

These worksheets are a great way to get kids thinking while reviewing different shapes.

Published in Math

1.  Appendix A: Research Supporting Key Elements of the Standards (includes Glossary of Terms)

Published in Teaching Tools

Includes 2 word searches, each with about 30 words to find.

Published in Holiday Worksheets

Cut out the arrows and numbers.  Glue the numbers on the clock.  Then, use a brass fastener to make the hour/minute hands movable.

Published in Math

This worksheet reviews what the math symbols >, <, and = mean and how to use them.

Published in Math

This practice worksheet includes a variety of two-digit numbers to compare using the math symbols >, <, and =.

Published in Math

Use this to help students visualize addition and subtraction on a hundreds chart.

Published in Math

Common Core State Standards in Mathematics, K-12

Published in Teaching Tools