Use this math rubric to assess a child's ability to solve a problem and explain their work.
Rubric includes a 1-4 rating scale for the writing areas (focus, content, organization, style, conventions).
This rubric lets students know how they will be graded. Use the top half for the students to grade their own work and put their final grade on the bottom half.
Use this rubric to help assess students' writing abilities and weaknesses. Categories include focus, content, organization, and conventions.
Use this writing rubric to assess your students abilities.
The project was complete and handed in on time
The teacher approved student's animal project
Cover sheet includes name, title, and animal name
Animal fact sheet is completed (general information, living habits, environment, other facts)
The writing domain scoring rubric is used to score writing samples from students in grades 2-5. It contains five categories including focus, content, organization, style and conventions. When scoring the writing samples be sure to focus on these categories.
This writing rubric is focused on 4th grade writing samples. It contains 5 categories to focus on. The 5 categories are focus, content, organization, style and conventions.
The animal report checklist has everything you need to have students complete a report on animals. It contains a checklist of what the student needs to complete as well as a rubric for the teacher to use to grade the report. Each step is broken down to make the project go smoothly. This project is geared towards elementary aged students.
Basic reading and writing comprehension rubric, Stone Fox book
Answered the entire question with supporting details
All steps are used in the writing process
All grammar is correct
All mechanics are correct
Written Legibly
This writing rubric is geared towards 1st graders. It has 5 categories which include content, conventions, spelling, illustrations and handwriting.
Overview of the 6 assessment standards, purposes of assessments, problems used for instruction/assessment, types of assessments, and scoring rubrics. (2 pages)
Stone Fox Academic Standards - Coaching Rubric is a lesson plan for reading Stone Fox. It can help students learn to read independently, improve the quality of their writing, public speaking and listening.
Rubric for evaluation of book report: Publication information, main character, setting, summary, opinion, mechanics, overall, effort, bonus points.