
These simple rhymes will help children learn how to write numbers 0-10.

Published in Math

Read each rhyme aloud with the underlined word left out. Have children say, write, and/or draw the missing word.

Published in Reading

Use this to assess children's phonological awareness skills.  Areas include:

  • Concept of spoken word
  • Rhyme recognition
  • Rhyme production
  • Syllable blending
  • Syllable segmentation
  • Syllable deletion
  • Phoneme isolation of initial sounds
  • Phoneme isolation of final sounds
Published in Teaching Tools

Children will love this funny little snowman rebus poem!

Published in Reading

Draw the picture below on the chalkboard.  Have students fill in the missing rhymes, then erase the corresponding portions of the picture.  Example "Just for fun, erase the sun."

Published in Reading

Find the rhyming words in this Groundhog Day poem!

Published in Holiday Worksheets

One, two,
Buckle my shoe;
Three, four,
Knock at the door;
Five, six,
Pick up sticks;
Seven, eight,
Lay them straight:
Nine, ten,
A big fat hen

Published in Reading

A great follow up to Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? (by Bill Martin Jr. / Eric Carle), or any lesson reviewing shapes or color words.

Shapes and colors used are orange square, purple circle, green triangle, brown rectangle, blue diamond, red heart, and yellow star.

Published in Teaching Tools

Common Nursery Rhymes contains 5 popular nursery rhymes. The included nursery rhymes are Little Miss Muffet, Jac and Jill, Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star, Humpty Dumpty and Hickory, Dickory, Dock.

Published in Teaching Tools

Poems and rhymes is a poem about a bug hunt. It can be used to teach students about rhyming words and poems.

Published in Reading

(Example: Round 452 to the nearest HUNDRED)

Find the place value and circle that digit.

Move to the right and underline it -- get it?

0, 1, 2, 3, 4 - circled number stays the same.

5, 6, 7, 8, 9 - add one more is the game.

Now flex your muscles like a hero,

The digits to the right change to a zero! 5 0 0

Digits to the left stay the same,

Now you're a winner in the rounding game!


(Example: Round 452 to the nearest HUNDRED)

Find the place value and circle that digit.

Move to the right and underline it -- get it?

0, 1, 2, 3, 4 - circled number stays the same.

5, 6, 7, 8, 9 - add one more is the game.

Now flex your muscles like a hero,

The digits to the right change to a zero! 5 0 0

Digits to the left stay the same,

Now you're a winner in the rounding game!

Published in Math

Rhyming game: match the pictures whose names rhyme.  4 page worksheet.  

Published in Language Arts

Moon - Spoon

Hat - Mat

Boat - Coat

Published in Reading

To the tune of "Alouette"

Silly Sally Squirrel,
Sitting in the sun
Singing lots of Ss until the day is done
She sings about soup, sun, and sky
Can you think of more? Let's try.

Published in Reading

7 classic nursery rhymes:
Jack and Jill
Hickory Dickory Dock
Humpty Dumpty
Little Miss Muffet
The Cat and the Fiddle
Jack Be Nimble
Mary Had a Little Lamb

Published in For Parents

Students follow directions and, at the same time, listen to the way that words change when sounds are manipulated. This is a good lesson to teach children to listen and hear changes in words.

Published in Reading

Rhyme play directs the children's attention to the similarities and differences in the sounds of words. They become aware that language not only has meaning and message, but also form.

Published in Reading

Rhyme to help students write their numbers is a fun rhyme that teaches students the numbers 1-10.

Published in Reading

Music is an important part of a child development. The songs in these documents are a perfect way to get students to accomplish different goals through songs.

Published in Music

This page has the song Miss Polly Had a Dolly. It shows he words and the music.

Published in Reading