
A quick poem about falling leaves that includes pictures of leaves to color.

Published in Holiday Worksheets

Thirteen songs and poems written (or rewritten) about spiders for that spooky Halloween mood.

Published in Holiday Worksheets

Easy lyrics for the classic "Caught a Fish Alive" song.

Published in Music

Each poem has an accompanying activity to keep children engaged and active.

Looking for more activities from Jean Feldman?

Published in Reading

7 classic nursery rhymes:
Jack and Jill
Hickory Dickory Dock
Humpty Dumpty
Little Miss Muffet
The Cat and the Fiddle
Jack Be Nimble
Mary Had a Little Lamb

Published in For Parents

Lyrics to 4 songs to help inject some music into the classroom. 

Published in Music

Animal poetry with pictures: Turtles, Frogs, Lady Bugs, Piggies

Published in Reading