
Today we tried out ice cube painting and it was AWESOME. They are a cool twist on traditional watercolors. Plus, this is a perfect activity for those HOT summer days.

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IT'S RAINING AGAIN! It's been such a wet spring here in MD and I just couldn't stay inside for another second, so I took this wet, soggy opportunity to try rain painting!

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Ok so this one was SUPER easy but requires a little planning ahead. Today G did ice painting! It was so fun and super simple!

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If you are looking for a super simple but fun St. Patrick's Day art project - HERE YOU GO!

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So for my stay-at-home mom self, I'm always trying to come up with low prep, fun activities to keep G happy and stimulated. We love, love, love art projects

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G & I are having a sick day and we needed a little fun! I grabbed some easy supplies we had on hand and decided to do Apple prints!

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