Thirteen songs and poems written (or rewritten) about spiders for that spooky Halloween mood.
A coloring-book version of the classic "Five Little Pumpkins" story.
12 multipurpose fall-related icons. Great for coloring, easy to turn into a memory or matching game!
A fun construction paper activity that allows a ghost to disappear and reappear from the middle of a pumpkin.
An apple-related rewrite of the classic "Itsy Bitsy Spider" song.
Twelve pumpkin faces with varying expressions. Use for pairing, matching, or memory games!
A packet of two different-sized pumpkins (tall and short, or "Bert and Ernie") with lines across each pattern for any desired writing assignment.
A full-page-size pumpkin pattern for decorating.
Four easily-reproducible pumpkin patterns.
Simple pumpkin cutouts without lines. One full-page pumpkin and three smaller pumpkins.
Four reproducible apple patterns, great for decorating the classroom to give it that autumn feel!