
These simple rhymes will help children learn how to write numbers 0-10.

Published in Math

Connect the dots #1-16 to complete the flower!  

Published in Math

This chart will help children build confidence with addition, subtraction, and more!

Published in Math

Connect the dots #1-18 to finish the picture!

Published in Math

Connect letters A-K on the train and numbers 1-14 to complete the first picture!

Connect the dots #1-18 to complete the second (engine only) picture!

Published in Math

Assess a child's knowledge of numbers 1 through 20 using this worksheet.

Published in Math

Printable PDF chart of numbers 1-100, in a visually appealing 10 column format

Published in Math

Use these catchy rhyming poems to help students learn how to form their numbers.

Looking for phrases for letter formation?

Published in Math

100 items to color - great to use for the 100th day of school or for anything involving one hundred.  Challenge students to color, count, and record how many of each object they find!

Published in Holiday Worksheets

An introduction to subtraction, this book counts down from five to one.  Children draw (or glue, etc.) the correct amount of coconuts on the tree.

Published in Math

Cut out each of the squares below.  Put them together to make a number book.  Trace over the numbers and learn the poem for each one. Practice writing your numbers with the poems.  

Published in Teaching Tools

A fun little poem to help children understand the concept of subtraction.

Published in Science

A great game to practice counting on and addition.

Published in Math

A short multiple choice addition test includes pictures for each question.

Published in Math

A handy chart to help children visualize addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.

Published in Math

G & I were doing some crafts this morning, and I had a bunch of extra office supply dot stickers out....soooo I decided to give her a fun little pre-writing activity to do with our leftover dots!

Published in Blog

This variation of Pascal's triangle with challenge kids to figure out which numbers are missing from the triangle.

Published in Math

This chart includes a star to mark the multiples of 5.

Published in Math

Children can practice writing the number and number word (packet includes 1 through 10).

Published in Writing

I love puzzles - they're great tool to help teach tots about shapes, problem solving, fine motor, etc. but let's face it -- puzzles don't get the attention they deserve.

Published in Blog