
These three worksheets give children the opportunity to analyze shapes by matching the shadows.

Published in Teaching Tools

Review upper- and lower-case letters with this activity by writing the upper-case letter next to its matching lower-case partner.

Published in Language Arts

A great way to review or practice matching upper-case and lower-case letters!

Published in Language Arts

These three worksheets allow children to match the pairs of items to find the one with no partner.

Published in Math

G & I were doing some crafts this morning, and I had a bunch of extra office supply dot stickers out....soooo I decided to give her a fun little pre-writing activity to do with our leftover dots!

Published in Blog

I just wanted to share a really fun idea with you all for a FANTASTIC Mom’s Night Out. I love a good MNO – and we all know that patio happy hour + sangria = a happy mom!

Published in Blog

Students count out 5 beans into a cup, shake them up, and pour them out. Then, they count the number of beans that are red-side-up and color in the corresponding number on the worksheet. Worksheet accomodates 6 turns.

Published in Math

This game is played like the memory match card game.

Published in Math

12 multipurpose fall-related icons. Great for coloring, easy to turn into a memory or matching game!

Published in Holiday Worksheets

Children count the pennies and draw a line to match the number to the correct amount of coins.

Published in Math

Twelve pumpkin faces with varying expressions. Use for pairing, matching, or memory games!

Published in Holiday Worksheets

Draw a line to connect the shapes that match.

Published in Math

Cutout designs to make dominoes based off of insects.

Published in Science

Using this coloring book, students can learn to count and match pictures to numbers with a catchy chant about potatoes.

Published in Math

Folded plates that look like seashells are a great way to demonstrate the relationship between a number, its number word, and its value. 

Published in Math