Literature Circles

I was an empathetic listener by giving my complete attention.  I responded to other group members' ideas.  I asked questions to clarify my understanding of the book...

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Grid for tracking topics and group members in a group reading situation

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Summarize what you did well and/or learned today during your literature discussion.  Comments from other group members - 

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Teaching suggestions, forms, sample book lists, and database: 12 page packet

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We've noticed that students tend to stick with their friends rather than take the risk of getting to know someone new.  When a literature circle is formed around a chosen book rather than preexisting friendships, discussion may stall if students can't "break the ice."  Giving groups a low-risk, nonacademic topic to discuss every time they meet, just before they start the official book work, helps students to develop friendly working relationships. 

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Options include Diary entries, cause/ effect explanation, letters, character web, sketching and drawing

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Book evaluation form: Title, Interest Reading, Difficulty, Comments (room for 4 books per sheet)

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Name, title, author, response, points for discussion, are you ready...?  

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7 page packet: roles of a literature circle and a description of each.  

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Each literature circle is responsible for submitting one group notebook that contains all of the work that the group has done concerning the novel study.  

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Printable bookmark template: Name, Title, Author; List favorite or important pages, quotes, scenes, interesting or unknown words.

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Focused on discussion, active participation, asking questions for clarification, piggybacking off others ideas, disagreeing constructively, active listening, taking t urns to let others speak, supporting opinions with evidence, encouraging others

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Cover, journal entries, vocabulary

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Each participant in the literature circle needs to fill out the following form.  Read the assessment statements carefully. Reflect over the work you did in your group, and honestly rate yourself in each area.  Remember that your group members and I have watched you work.  

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