
Practice blending CVC words by letting kids roll the letter cubes to make their own words.

Published in Language Arts

tug - jug - hut

but - bug run

nun - pun - rut

gut - rug - bun

cut - gum - nut

hum - dug - mug

fun - sun

sum - hug

Published in Language Arts

Is your classroom literacy friendly? You have an important role in providing the children in your classroom with some of their first experiences with books and reading. Look around your classroom and think about what you do with the children.

Published in Reading

ad - ed - id

hid fed Ned

pad sad bid

wed led mad

kid dad rid

red bed bad

lid tad did

Published in Language Arts

This CVC activity includes 8 different CVC words with a spooky theme.

Published in Language Arts

This engaging activity is perfect for individual practice, small groups, or literacy centers.  Use to reinforce letters and letter sounds for emergent readers.

Students will read CVC words and then lift up the flap to reveal a picture of the word.  Pictures are in color and black and white.  Words include: cat, jam, cap, bat, map, ham, cab.

Published in Language Arts

gust - rust - fist

wrist - test - rest

best - dust - just

must - mist - nest

pest - vest

list - bust

Published in Language Arts

ack - and - rush

rack - tack - back

dash - sand - grand

band - sack - lash

pack - mash - hand

sash - stand - shack

land- cash - rash

Published in Language Arts

uck - ump - unk - ust

hunk - duck - must

gust - dunk - puck

luck - dump - rust

bump - junk - hump

buck - suck - dust

tuck - trunk - pump

lump - jump - trust

bunk - sunk - just

Published in Language Arts

1.  Appendix A: Research Supporting Key Elements of the Standards (includes Glossary of Terms)

Published in Teaching Tools

wag - tap - tab

cap - sap - sag

bag - cab - lab

nap - rag - map

nap - gap - lag

tag - dab - jab

Published in Language Arts

dog - rig - dug

wig - jog - log

mug - fig - pig

rag - hog - rug

nag - tag - sag

dig - big - tug

wag - bog - bag

fog - bug - hug

Published in Language Arts

Simple tips for families to promote literacy BEFORE kindergarten.

Published in Writing

Four pages of general accomplishments related to a child's literacy success. First two pages are broken down by age; last two pages break down writing and reading development into stages of skill.

Published in Reading

jam - ham - vat

ban - cat - dad

mat - mad - sad

tan - yam - Sam

dam - sat - can

pad - van - bad

pan - rat - man

bat - ram - had

Published in Language Arts

nap - hip - hop

tip - zip - map

mop - top - lop

sap - gap - sip

dip - pop - cap

tap - rip - sop

Published in Language Arts

band - sand - brand 

blend - lend - send

land - hand - grand

mend - tend - bend

Published in Language Arts

rack - tack - back

dash - sand - grand

band - sack - lash

pack - mash - hand

sash - stand - shack

land - cash - rash

Published in Language Arts

Thirty activities to stimulate a preschool-aged child's early reading skills, along with a guide for how parents can assist their children.

Published in Reading

ock - og - ot

jog - hog - sock

lock - clock - hot

not - log - frog

rock - pot - lot

dog - fog - block

dock - got - cot

Published in Language Arts