Use this form to assess a young infant's language skills.
Academic standards categories for Reading, Writing, Listening, and Speaking...
List of definitions of terms found in the academic standards for reading, writing, speaking, and listening. (4 pages)
Tell the child that you are going to read a story and then ask him or her some questions about it.
Passage: David is a clown. He works at a circus. David takes a long time to get ready for each circus show...
A guide for parents to support their children's learning. The guide will teach parents to listen, talk and answer. Listen to your child's story about their day, talk about their day and answer their questions.
Listening comprehension is an important skill to learn. This page will start students on the right track. The teacher will read the passage than ask the students questions about what they heard.
Learning sounds at home, outside, on the road, and supermarket.