Children cut and glue the pictures that begin with letter A.
red - set - wet
men - beg - beg
led - met - Ted
ten - wed - then
Meg - pet - peg
hen - leg - pen
let - net
fed - den
Students read the CVC word card and then place it on the matching picture.
Free printable worksheet for learning CVC words ending in ob, op, ot, og:
sob - hot - cob
log - job - hog
top - lot - cop
lob - rob - jog
pop - not - rot
mop - hop - bog
bop - pot - mob
got - dog - fog
Challenge students to come up with as many words as they can
This CVC packet has a teeth theme and includes a variety of word sorting activities.
G & I were doing some crafts this morning, and I had a bunch of extra office supply dot stickers out....soooo I decided to give her a fun little pre-writing activity to do with our leftover dots!
I LOVE finding fun, pretend play activities with stuff we have laying around.
ack - uck - ick - ock
block - back - rock
rack - duck -wick
sick - pick - dock
suck - sack - Jack
tack - kick - sock
tick - luck - lock
crack - lick - tuck
buck - muck - knock
rut - hot - but
pot - met - gut
net - rat - wet
cat - cut - mat
bet - lot - hut
sat - not - pat
pet- let - nut
got - dot - bat
lick - fist - swish
twist - fill - mist
pill - kick - list
dish - mill - will
sick - tick - pick
trick - fish - wrist
bill - drill - wish
Children discern upper- and lowercase letter Aa.
ell - end - ent - est
test - tell - rent
dent - mend - best
sell - sent - fell
lend - fend - rest
nest - bent - pest
shell - went - bell
bend - well - send
tend - lent - vest
This sheet provides a cute poem, a picture, and upper- and lower-case practice for the letter Bb.
Summer is near and that means HOT days and water play – our favorite!!! We pulled out G’s water table a little over a week ago and she was so excited. It’s definitely a favorite for her on hot days!
Practice blending CVC words by letting kids roll the letter cubes to make their own words.
I love puzzles - they're great tool to help teach tots about shapes, problem solving, fine motor, etc. but let's face it -- puzzles don't get the attention they deserve.
tug - jug - hut
but - bug run
nun - pun - rut
gut - rug - bun
cut - gum - nut
hum - dug - mug
fun - sun
sum - hug
Now that G is (almost) 3, I'm trying to stimulate her interest in learning letters!