
Simple graphic showing a toddler's daily nutritional needs.

Published in Health & Wellness

Need a quick - or not so quick - stress-break? Fresh out of ideas? Try one of these!  Print this poster and hang it nearby for inspiration.  

Published in Health & Wellness

Stress is a complex biological response to a perceived threat or challenge.  This article explores the effects of stress on one important part of your body -- your brain -- and examines ways to reduce its negative impact.

Published in Health & Wellness

Someone you love has died.  You are probably having many hurtful and scary thoughts and feelings right now.  Rogether those rhoughts and feelings are called grief, which is a normal (though really difficult) thing everyone goes through after someone they love has died.  

Published in Health & Wellness

Foster preschoolers' critical thinking and problem solving through movement.  

Published in Health & Wellness

Choose calcium rich Milk Group foods every day using this Calcium Choices Guide.  

Published in Health & Wellness

Your wheel of calcium choices: milk group foods are the best source of calcium!  

Published in Health & Wellness

You need stress in your life!  Does that surprise you?  Perhaps so, but it is quite true.  WIthout stress, life wiould be dull and unexciting.  Stress adds flavor, challenge, and opportunity to life.  Too much stress, however, can seriously affect your physical and mental well-being.  

Published in Health & Wellness

How it is now - how you want it to be. 

Parts of the pie:

  • Work / career
  • Home / Family
  • Spiritual
  • Exercise / nutrition
  • Fun / relaxation
  • Time alone
  • Friends
  • Community / service
  • Other
Published in Health & Wellness

This simple test could help motivate you to get in better shape!

Published in Health & Wellness

Looking to break out of your sandwich rut?  This yummy tortilla wrap, stuffed with leftover roast turkey or sliced deli turkey, tomato, spinach, provolone, and Parmesan cheese, makes a tasty alternative for your brown bag lunch.  

Published in Health & Wellness

You'll feel better... and so will your child.  Take a deep breath, close your eyes.

Provided by the National Committee for Prevention of Child Abuse

Published in Health & Wellness

Behind the tormented behavior was the wonderful boy he is now.

Published in Health & Wellness

This totable taco salad makes a sweet treat for school lunches.  Some assembly required, but kids love tossing together all the fixings and are sure to enjoy this welcome break from PB&J.

Published in Health & Wellness

The following procedures are to be implemented in all Head Start classromes at all mealtimes with children.  Anyone present in the classroom during mealtime is expected to site at the tables with the children and participate in mealtime.  Please have any visitors read this mealtime procedure.  

Published in Health & Wellness

Which foods are the best sources of calcium?  

Published in Health & Wellness

Discover ways to support yourself while supporting your child.  

Published in Health & Wellness

My experience as a grief counselor has taught me that all too often caregivers-in-training want to rush into learning "techniques" to help children before they have even explored their own personal encounters with grief.  

Published in Health & Wellness

This is a one-page, quick and simple diet for reducing inflammation in the body.  Many will find that this diet will help treat ADD, ADHD, autism, and other related issues.  It also helps get rid of yeast overgrowth like Candida.

There is no counting "points" or anything similar. Most people find this diet to be a good "healthy human being" diet, and it may help with treating a wide variety of cancers, illnesses, and diseases.  Most people will lose 15-20 pounds in 6 weeks following this diet.  

Published in Health & Wellness

Those who are grieving need to know that someone is available to listen who will not judge or problem-solve.  A williing ear and acceptance for whatever their feeings are is the greatest gift.  

Published in Health & Wellness