Grade 3

The sentence, "I wear mittens on cold winter days" will help children find their way to the correct pair of mittens.

Published in Teaching Tools

A simple and effective way to have students reflect on a book.

Details include title, author, illustrator, setting, main characters, brief summary, and rating different parts of the book.

Published in Reading

Mix things up with this fun experiment!

Shake a bag full of ingredients to make your own ice cream!

Published in Science

Celebrate Fathers' Day with this edition of The Scoop newspaper!

Four versions included, to accommodate all family structures (1- dad, 2- brother, 3-uncle, 4-grandpa).

Published in Holiday Worksheets

This wheel displays the animals, symbols, and years associated with the Chinese Zodiac.

Published in Social Studies

Use this contract from October through March to help motivate students to read.  You need to fill in the bottom left checkbox "Take a computer ______" (ex: quiz or test), child's name, and set a goal for the total number of minutes the child will read that month.  Parent and Teacher signatures required.

Published in Reading

Encourage your child to use these strategies when encountering difficult words in text.

Published in For Parents

A great worksheet to review how tricky the letter y can be and the sounds it can make.

Published in Language Arts

Note card words include to, you, have, do, what, no, see, look, a, my, the, I, like, go, we, on, they, of, are, that.

High frequency word list for Kindergarteners and common words in writing are available as well.

Published in Reading

Color and cut out the groundhog, then fold down the middle so it stands up on its own.  

Published in Holiday Worksheets

A handy chart to help children visualize addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.

Published in Math

Help Nicki find his mitten!

Published in Teaching Tools

These 3 worksheets are a great way to get students thinking about addition, not just memorizing it!

Published in Math

This worksheet challenges students to make as many words as they can using the letters from "What good things are you most thankful for?"

Published in Holiday Worksheets

In these tough economic times, we should be investing in Early Childhood Education!

Published in Teaching Tools

Get ideas for inviting families, decorating the classroom, engaging families, parent take-aways, and a checklist (a teacher's best friend) to make the night go smoothly!

Published in Teaching Tools

Introduce different hats with any of these wonderful stories:

  • Which Hat Is That? By Anna Grossnickle Hines
  • The Hat Book by Leonard Shortall
  • Hats? By Dana Meachen Rau
  • Zara's Hats by Paul Meisel
  • Hats Off to Hats by Sara Corbett
  • The Hatseller and the Monkeys by Baba Wague Diakite
  • Caps for Sale by Esphyr Slobodkina

Hats off to hometown heroes! Have student write to local heroes and ask them about their favorite books. Showcase these hometown heroes and their choices in you reading celebration.

Have students make a list of hats that denote jobs (ex: fireman's hat, chef's hat, etc.). Draw a person wearing a hat. Have students write about it.  For younger students, provide the prompt, "When I grow up. I want to be a ..."

Check out NEA's website here for more ideas!

Published in Writing

Have students write what they think will happen on Groundhog Day!

Published in Holiday Worksheets

This prompt lets students draw things they can buy with money and then write a few ways money helps meet their needs.

Published in Writing

Help the bee find his honeycomb!

Published in Teaching Tools