Have students write what they think will happen on Groundhog Day!
This prompt lets students draw things they can buy with money and then write a few ways money helps meet their needs.
Simple and effective tips for helping children improve their reading and writing ability.
A great way to review CVC words with large group, small group, and independent activities.
This cute CVC word practice activity includes the following:
This fun actiity reviews adding and subtracting 1 and 10 from the number 20.
If your child is 3-5 and has trouble pronouncing words starting with these letters...
Let students get creative with this prompt: "Pretend that you could bend and twist a hanger into any shape you like. What could you use the hanger for?"
Give students practice adding and subtracting 1 and 10 from the given numbers.
Children can cut and paste (or draw) the hands on the clocks to match the given time.
This catchy song makes it easy to remember Groundhog Day!
These cards have pictures and words that help reinforce the ending /k/ sound in CVC, CVCC, CVVC, and CVCe words.
This worksheet lets students trace the words "This story was mostly about..." and finish with their own thoughts.
Space is provided for a picture and the title of the book.
An easy way to learn and remember Spanish words!
This chart includes a star to mark the multiples of 5.
Use these as a reward for good behavior!
For Parents with children in 2nd or 3rd grade.
Details on what your child is learning about comprehension and more during these grades.
Use to practice making/reading Consonant-Vowel-Consonant words.
Fill in the CVC word that matches the pictures.