Have students write their predictions for whether or not Punxsutawney Phil will see his shadow!
Use the code to help solve the riddles!
This worksheet lets students be creative by listing 'real' and 'pretend' uses of a bowl.
Review addition facts with these Addition Squares worksheets.
This game is played like the memory match card game.
Reinforce lowercase letters (and paying attention) with this game. Can be played in large or small groups.
Review tricky vowel sounds and spelling with this packet. Includes
This worksheet reviews skip counting by 2's, 3's, 5's, and 10's. Includes addition doubles at the bottom.
After some cutting, you will have your own Word Bingo game!
These worksheets are a great way to get kids thinking while reviewing different shapes.
A great game for large or small groups to reinforce numbers 0-24 (and paying attention).
2016 PA Second Grade Standards - Common Core (update)
Grade 2 Worksheet: Halves, Fourths, and Eighths
1. Appendix A: Research Supporting Key Elements of the Standards (includes Glossary of Terms)
Includes 2 word searches, each with about 30 words to find.
Cut out the arrows and numbers. Glue the numbers on the clock. Then, use a brass fastener to make the hour/minute hands movable.
This worksheet reviews what the math symbols >, <, and = mean and how to use them.
This practice worksheet includes a variety of two-digit numbers to compare using the math symbols >, <, and =.
Use this to help students visualize addition and subtraction on a hundreds chart.
Common Core State Standards in Mathematics, K-12