
Quadrilaterals are any polygon with four sides and four angles (square, rectangle, parallelogram, rhombus, trapezoid)

Published in Math

Have children follow the directions and color the shapes.  Can be used to assess shape or color word identification.

Published in Math

Color the shapes to finish the picture. 

Published in Math

Fill in the blanks for each polygon: name, number of sides, pairs of parallel sides, number of right angles.  

Published in Math

This game is played like the memory match card game.

Published in Math

These worksheets are a great way to get kids thinking while reviewing different shapes.

Published in Math

This simple book reviews 4 different shapes:  rhombuses, trapezoids, squares, and hexagons.  

Published in Math

Write the name of the solid figure that each object looks like.  

Published in Math

Get creative and turn each shape into a picture!  Includes circle, square, and rectangle worksheets.

Published in Math

Which figure is a circle?  What is the name of the figure shown below?  

Published in Math

Identify or classify three-dimensional figures (cube, sphere, rectangular prism, and pyramid)

Published in Math

Go on a geometry photography expedition with your family!  Take pictures of geometric shapes and concepts around you.  Print your pictures and use them to make your own geometry picture book.  

Published in Math

Algebra: Find the radius and diameter for each circle.  

Published in Math

Which two lines are parallel?  Perpendicular?  

Published in Math

Choose a word from the box to correctly answer each question.  Example, a box of cereal is shaped like which solid?  A can of soup?  An orange?

Published in Math

The radius and diameter homework sheet will teach students to find out the radius and diameter of a circle. There is also an answer sheet.

Published in Math

This game is played like the memory match card game that many children are familiar with.  It is designed to reinforce their understanding of polygons and solid figures. 5 page packets, cards included!  

Published in Math

Grading sheet to accompany photography project

Published in Math

Identify / classify / compare two dimensional figures (circle, triangle, square, parallelogram, trapezoid, thrombus, rectangle, pentagon, hexagon, octagon)

Published in Math