Fine Motor

Have children make their own Chicka Chicka Boom Boom tree.  Use child's forearm for the trunk and hands for the palm leaves.  When dry, have children put letters on and around the tree!

Published in Reading

A handy reference sheet with guidelines of when to introduce kitchen/cooking skills to children.

Published in For Parents

Follow the rainbow to find the pot of gold!

Published in Teaching Tools

Practice making curves up to make handwriting easier to master later!

Published in Language Arts

Use straight lines and connect the letters of the alphabet!

Published in Reading

Challenge students to trace this tricky clover!

Published in Language Arts

Trace the dotted lines to complete this picture of a pig!

Published in Language Arts

Trace the dotted lines to practice making curves and circles.

Published in Language Arts

With warm, spring weather here I decided to do an outdoor craft with G to help decorate our tree and give our birds a special treat.

Published in Blog

Help the bee find the nectar in the center of the flower!

Published in Teaching Tools

What do you do when it's 7am, you've reheated your coffee twice already but haven't DRANK any yet, ANNNND now your child asks to "do a craft mama?”

Published in Blog

Children will love tracing this crown!  (They won't even notice they're improving their coordination!)

Published in Language Arts

Children cut and glue the pictures that begin with letter A.

Published in Language Arts

Use these pictures to supplement your butterfly unit.

Published in Science

Improve children's hand-eye coordination by having them trace this football.

Published in Language Arts

Help the squirrel find the tree!

Published in Teaching Tools

G and I were feeling adventurous this morning and decided to try this 2 ingredient cloud dough recipe I've been sitting on.

Published in Blog

Help the chick find its mother!

Published in Teaching Tools

G & I were doing some crafts this morning, and I had a bunch of extra office supply dot stickers out....soooo I decided to give her a fun little pre-writing activity to do with our leftover dots!

Published in Blog

Help the bee find his honeycomb!

Published in Teaching Tools